The Legends of the Rocking Dutchman - episode 166
Legends Mix
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A mixed set always is good for a few good stories and today you will get what's likely to have really happened when bluesmen Robert Johnson, as the legend goes, sold his soul to the devil at a crossroads. Within a year and a half of absence from his friends, Johnson turned from a novice on the guitar into a master. It'll probably have been Ike Zimmerman, an unrecorded bluesman, who taught Johnson to play - in what's for certain a spooky place, on a graveyard at night.
But if you rather believe the legend, then it'll teach you that flirting with the forces of evil doesn't pay off - Johnson died two years later under suspicious circumstances, and that made for more myths around his person.
Of course more great music today, from the late twenties up to the fifties - just as you're used from me.
Georgia Washboard Stompers - Who Stole The Lock
- Victoria Spivey - I'll Never Fall In Love Again
- Clarence Williams - The Right Key But The Wrong Keyhole
- St. Louis Jimmy Oden - I Ain't Done Nothing Wrong
- Smokey Hogg - My Last Blues
- Henry Townsend - Poor Man Blues
- Robert Johnson - They're Red Hot
- Lonnie Johnson - Mr. Johnson's Swing
- Clarence Gatemouth Brown - I Live My Life
- Buster Bennett - Hard Luck Blues
- Crown Prince Waterford - Weeping Willow Blues
- Louis Jordan - After School Swing Session
- Mabel Scott - Googie Woogie
- T-bone Walker - T-Bone Boogie
- Emmett Berry - The Things You Done For Me Baby
- Cab Calloway - Basin Street Blues
- Wild Bill Moore Sextette - Bongo Bounce
The following music served as background music during the spoken parts:
- Kirk Kirkland - The Saxaphone Rag
- Cozy Eggleston - Big Heavy
- Harlem Hamfats - Hamfat Swing
- Jimmy Mundy - Bumble Boogie
- Pete 'Guitar' Lewis - Harmonica Boogie
- Skeets Tolbert & His Gentlemen Of Swing - Four O'Clock Blues
- Tom Archia - Jam For Sam