The Legends of the Rocking Dutchman


The Legends of the Rocking Dutchman comes standard as a 60-minute show, that can be abbreviated by some 1 minute 30 secs, in case you need some air time for e.g. announcements.

Should you decide to broadcast the shows, then I will gladly make small customizations on your request. Think of a customized intro text designated to your radio station or a short mid-program jingle.

As time is limited, customizations cannot take more than 1:30 extra time. If you want to include e.g. commercial breaks into the program, then this will affect the total time of the program and you might end up with an odd 1 hour 15 minutes for the total show.

Feel free to contact me if you'd need customizations, and we can look into the possibilities.

An example of customization can be found here: