The Legends of the Rocking Dutchman - episode 263

Legends Mix

A few historical recordings in today's set. There's that monumental recording of Bessie Smith, the soundtrack from her musical short St. Louis Blues. Now Bessie can belt out the blues like one-one else, on her man who left her for a woman wearing diamond rings, make-up and a wig, knowing that she will never be able to compete with the urban ways of her rival from St. Louis. You will also get the story of how W.C. Handy composed it in 1914 in his groundbreaking sheet music publications.

There's also the mother of all civil rights songs - it was not the first, but Billie Holiday performed her spine-chilling protest song against lynchings in venues where the audience was white. This was the last song; bar service had closed, the place was all dark but a spotlight on the singer. Afterwards complete silence in the shocked and bewildered audience, followed by a roar of either approval or disapproval. By then, she'd left the stage.



  1. Dora Carr - Bring It On Home Blues
  2. Bessie Smith - St. Louis Blues
  3. Duke Ellington - Take It Easy
  4. Ed Bell - Rosca Mama Blues
  5. State Street Ramblers - Brown-Skin Mama
  6. Hokum Boys - Double Trouble Blues
  7. Josh White - So Sweet, So Sweet
  8. Willie 'Poor Boy' Lofton - It's Killin' Me
  9. Sidney Bechet - Sweet Patootie
  10. Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit
  11. Count Basie - Sugar Blues
  12. Jazz Gillum - You Got To Run Me Down
  13. Bus Moten - Baby you messed up
  14. Wynonie Harris - Baby Look At You
  15. Andrew Tibbs - Mother's Letter


  • Wild Bill Moore Sextette - Bongo Bounce
The following music served as background music during the spoken parts:
  • Kirk Kirkland - The Saxaphone Rag
  • Al 'Cake' Wichard Sextette - Piece Of Cake
  • Andy Kirk - Blue Clarinet Stomp
  • State Street Ramblers - Barrel House Stomp
  • W.C. Handy - St. Louis Blues
  • Washboard Rhythm Kings - Bug-A-Boo